The Fashion Industry

Clothes tend to serve one of two purposes: practicalities or seduction. Sometimes it's both, but it's usually one more than the other.

We are in fashion because of the element of seduction – to be beguiled, captivated by the irrational, to give in to desires you didn't know existed. That pink t-shirt, that black and white stripe, right now, please.

The Fashion Industry

In that sense, we love fashion. We love seduction and how clothing supports our ways in the world.

Besides making beautiful clothes, one of our highest objectives is helping to break down boundaries between what is 'right' and 'wrong' and what you 'can' and 'can't' do.

We believe in empowering people to make their own decisions.



That's how we see it at Mads Nørgaard


And, yes, we have an ambivalent relationship with the fashion industry.

On the one hand, we love being seduced by emerging ideas, whether it is new clothing, new pop songs or new habits. The optimism and joie de vivre turn us on.

But on the other hand, we are concerned by the pace of change. New collections and the latest fashion trends seem to replace fully functional garments. The industry's footprint is simply too big.

Our love of fashion and ambivalence with the fashion industry are in tension. 

It's a well-known dilemma for many of us. Sadly, we do not have an easy answer or quick fix.

The fact is that most people in the West have more than enough clothing. If all the shops that sold clothes closed tomorrow, we would have enough clothing to last us the next five years – excluding gloves, socks and underwear, perhaps.

Therefore, we try to design clothing that we believe will stay in fashion. Themes like our sailor knit, work wear, and stripes are revisited season after season and function as anchors in our design process and how we go about fashion.